COVID-19 UPDATE | Qualitrol Corp

Beginning of December, with patients having symptoms of cough and fever in the region of Wuhan. Later, a regional epidemic and a national crisis till about the end of January where about 26 countries have been reported having patients of the new Novel Coronavirus,(SARS-COV2 ), later know as COVID -19.

Figure of a spherical SARSr-CoV virion showing locations of structural proteins forming the viral envelope and the inner nucleocapsid

Just a positive-sense single-stranded RNA virus of zoonotic origin has caused major deaths and a world crisis!!

With its special feature of the polybasic cleavage site, spike protein responsible for allowing the virus to attach to and fuse with the membrane of a host cell and increase its transmissibility.
Medicago claims to have a viable vaccine candidate for COVID-19

Being a virus, its main motive is to reproduce in a host cell in our case the epithelial lining of our lungs, which then initiates a chain of response from our immune systems causing more problems. Do watch this video of   Kurzgesagt. 

With the whole world striving to battle this deadly virus by maintaining social distancing and staying at home, there comes a time for us the youth to innovate.

Starting, with two students in Spain producing masks with the help of 3D printers then the extensive use of drones in multiple countries for surveillance, disinfection, and awareness
even India specifically Tamil Nadu (students of Anna University) and Bangalore (a group of aerospace students).

At this time, staying at home we can make a change in this world collaborating spreading ideas.

Thanks to the implementation of Folding@home software program millions can help in increasing the pace to find the vaccine and put an end to this.

It is indeed sad to see the effect caused by this virus in all fields be it economy, health, Defense, etc. Stay informed with the latest updates, prevent rumors by watching or reading authentic channels or papers like I watch the BBC every day as I trust their info.

With the 21 day lockdown in India going on and yet people traveling out for no reason, it is true that the poor have been poorer and many people have been displaced from their villages stranded in streets with no access to public transportation, food, and water. But at this point in time, its life which matters the most than the pain caused by the lockdown.

I have seen news with people just dying as there no stock of life-supporting systems, this might be the darkest time in history after WWII, but, We are evolved to the better with advancements in technology, people staying more connected and global cooperation.

 I believe we can make our stand, staying strong and staying at home. Hence," Flattening the curve", "Break the chain" and look at the bright future with lessons learned at this pandemic.

Alas, This is all I can say at this tight moment leaving a positive quote

“The greatest compassion is the prevention of human suffering through patience, alertness, courage, and kindness.”

― Amit Ray, Walking the Path of Compassion

                                         - K7


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